In the event that you begin receiving social security benefits early, your benefit amount will not be reduced. Because you will be taking it at a
Providing Income to Heirs Through Charitable Trusts
An irrevocable charitable trust provides income to heirs while benefiting you or a charity. If you are philanthropically minded with nonessential
Before Moving Your Parents to a Senior Living Facility, Follow These Six Steps
Your elderly parents will find a sense of calm and peace of mind in an assisted living community. Identifying the suitable facility "fit" for your
Don’t Make These Mistakes When Planning for a Disabled Family Member
58 million Americans, five years of age or older, are classified as special needs, making them the country's largest minority group. The majority of
Care For Caregivers Is Also Important
During the hospitalization of Jeanette's mother, Jeanette's father asked her with tears in his eye to take care of her mother if he was ever unable
The Number of People Affected by Autism Is on the Rise in the United States
Annually on April 2nd World Autism Awareness Day is honored as part of the World Autism Month observance. The observance includes hundreds of
Don’t Let This Year Go By Without an Estate Plan!
One resolution that needs to be kept this new year is visiting with your attorney to get your estate planning done. This pandemic is not done with us
Advance Directives: A Crucial Conversation
The idea of our own death is one of the most difficult challenges we will ever face. Yet it is very important to think carefully about the medical
A Creditor’s Ability to Disrupt Probate
A will designate a personal representative (executor) to make a public record, usually posted in a local newspaper, of the date of death of the